Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 2

Jenny and I are well settled into life in bustling Dar Es Salaam after two sleeps.  Jet-lag was not an issue.  Our hotel is basic but fine.  There is a mosque nearby with call to prayer waking us up each morning at 0520.  VSO have promised us a soft landing with a good combination of info sessions and social activities.  We had a few Serengeti beers last night at Cocoa Beach.  A few more days here sorting out lots of logistical things (phones, money, health, safety) then off to Morogoro for two weeks of language, food, motorbike etc training.

There are about 12 new volunteers.  Apart from the five Australians we have people from Canada, England, Belgium and the Philipines.  Everybody here is delighted when we try to use our minimal Swahili.  It will really make a difference to how we are accepted.  Weather here is warm and dry - not uncomfortable to us but the locals call it cold.

Very few birds in town apart from introduced House Crows and Sparrows.  There were White-rumped Swifts at the airport and Palm Swifts over the VSO compound.  Otherwise I've seen African Bulbul, Cattle Egret and Sacred Ibis with unidentified Oriole and Sunbirds and Herons.

Internet acess might be less than we thought but I'll make it a priority to keep this blog ticking over.  Don't forget to look at Jenny's as well.  She will have a different perspective and between the two of us we should give you a good taste of Tanzania.


1 comment:

  1. What's the coffee like? What are the buildings like? What style architecture? I want to know!
